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  • 来源:联合国人权高专办凯发k8官网下载客户端官网
  • 编辑:暴佳然
  • 2024-01-20 18:16:53


日内瓦(2024年1月18日) – 联合国人权理事会普遍定期审议工作组将在2024年1月23日(星期二)举行的会议上对中国的人权记录进行第四轮审议。这轮会议将通过网络广播的方式进行直播。


普遍定期审议工作组由人权理事会 47 个成员国组成。然而,193 个联合国会员国中的每一个都可以参与国别审议。

审议所依据的文件有:1)国家报告 - 受审议国家所提供的信息;2)独立人权专家和小组(称为特别程序机制、人权条约机构和其他联合国机构实体)的报告中所载信息;3)国家人权机构、区域组织和民间社会团体等其他利益攸关方所提供的信息。


时间和日期:2024年1月23日(星期二)9:00 – 12:30(日内瓦时间,时区:gmt 1)

普遍定期审议是对所有 193 个联合国会员国人权记录的同侪审查。自2008年4月举行的首轮会议以来,所有193个联合国成员国均接受了三次审查。在第四轮普遍定期审议期间,各国将预期再次阐明他们为执行在以往审议期间为其作出的建议而采取的措施(各国均已承诺就这些建议采取后续行动),并强调关注该国新近的人权事态发展。






普遍定期审议工作组计划于2024年1月26日(星期五)15:30 - 18:00采纳对中国提出的建议。被审议的国家可能希望就在审议期间提出的建议表达其立场。


china’s human rights record to be examined by universal periodic review

geneva (18 january 2024) – the human rights record of china will be examined by the united nations human rights council’s universal periodic review (upr) working group for the fourth time on tuesday, 23 january 2024, in a meeting in geneva that will be webcast live.

china is one of 14 states to be reviewed by the upr working group during its upcoming session from 22 january to 2 february 2024. the first, second and third upr reviews of china took place in february 2009, october 2013, and november 2018, respectively.

the upr working group is comprised of the 47 member states of the human rights council. however, each of the 193 un member states can participate in a country review.

the documents on which the reviews are based are: 1) national report - information provided by the state under review; 2) information contained in the reports of independent human rights experts and groups, known as the special procedures, human rights treaty bodies, and other un entities; 3) information provided by other stakeholders including national human rights institutions, regional organizations, and civil society groups.

location: room 20, palais des nations, geneva.

time and date: 9:00 – 12:30, tuesday, 23 january 2024 (geneva time, gmt 1 hour).

the upr is a peer review of the human rights records of all 193 un member states. since its first meeting was held in april 2008, all 193 un member states have been reviewed thrice. during the fourth upr cycle, states are again expected to spell out steps they have taken to implement recommendations posed during their previous reviews which they committed to follow up on and highlight recent human rights developments in the country.

the delegation of china will be led by ambassador chen xu, permanent representative of china to the united nations office at geneva and other international organizations in switzerland.

the three country representatives serving as rapporteurs (“troika”) for the review of china are albania, malawi and the united arab emirates.

the webcast of the session will be at: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1z/k1z43db5bt

the list of speakers and all available statements to be delivered during the review of china will be posted on the upr extranet.

the upr working group is scheduled to adopt the recommendations made to china on friday, 26 january 2024 between 15:30 and 18:00. the state under review may wish to express its positions on recommendations posed to it during its review.

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